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The Positive Aging Program

The way we live our lives in our 50s determines whether we will be ‘happy and well’ or ‘sad and sick’ in our 80s and 90s.   What choices can we make today to bolster a healthy old age?


In this experiential program you will learn what to do (and what to avoid) in order to strengthen your social, emotional and physical health and lay the foundation for aging well.  We will engage in guided conversations in which you will be deeply heard and create practices that build the skills of positive aging.  Most of all we will have fun!

Positive Aging explores the following topics:

  • The six developmental stages of adults
  • Body, mind and heart - the three domains of health
  • The eight protective factors at age 50 that predict physical health at age 80
  • Letting go of negative habits that predict premature death or ‘sad sickness’
  • Four basic social activities that promote positive aging
  • Developing the mature defenses that bolster long term emotional health
  • Three universal virtues that predict happiness in children and nourish old age
  • Understanding your signature strengths and using them to add value to your life
  • New ways to create more pleasure, engagement and meaning in your life and in the lives of others.

This program gives you and your loved ones the tools to age well.  It benefits men and women who are anticipating or experiencing retirement.  It informs adult children who want the best for their aging parents.  And it satisfies the young and curious. Positive Aging is available either as an individual program or for small groups.  Contact Nuala at the email link below.

Learn more:
One Minute Muse: Where has all the fun gone?
Recipes for Aging Well
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Nuala Woodham

Consultant + Coach + Catalyst


Consulting Storyteller



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