How many hours
in an average week do you spend exploring possibilities that will forward
your vision? Do impossible situations and seemingly insoluble problems
frequently slow you down or block your path altogether?
People are the solution
The people who care about your organization have enough
brainpower, imagination and energy to overcome the most intractable challenge.
The real problem is bringing such people together in a way that enables
their combined talents to create great possibilities. ‘Capacity
building’ is a facilitated process that creates a safe environment
for a dozen or so of your most creative minds to roll up their sleeves
and interact. Their group synergy will inspire great results.
New possibilities
Your organization will benefit from capacity building if
you are exploring new possibilities in areas such as:
- Creating a vision that inspires action
- Long-term strategic planning
- Resource development – capital/operating
- Lifecycle analysis
- Board or staff renewal
Capacity building occurs in three stages. It starts with research and
preparation, leading into intensive group process, followed by commitment
to action.
Setting the stage
During research and preparation we set the stage:
- Defining key issues, focus, outcomes and resources
- Ensuring leadership endorsement and ownership
- Reviewing history, culture, materials, systems
- Researching internal and external environments (strengths, challenges,
- Interviewing key stakeholders and brainstorming with internal groups
Group synergy
Using the intelligence that has been gathered, a capacity building process
is tailored to your organization’s specific needs. A carefully selected
group of 10 to 12 individuals meets in a series of facilitated sessions
usually lasting 3 or 4 hours each. Timeline and resources, both human
and material, are carefully examined to ensure your future success. Information
is captured through minutes, an executive summary and recommendations.
A formal report is written if it is needed to forward the action with
your stakeholders.
Call to action
The final and most challenging stage is converting this commitment into
action. Action teams are launched and coaching is provided to support
outcomes for 6-12 months. Additional consultation may also be provided, |