
"People say that what we’re all seeking is a meaning for life. I don’t think that’s what we’re really seeking. I think that what we’re seeking is an experience of being alive…so that we actually feel the rapture of being alive."

Joseph Campbell

Nuala Woodham


What do you ask of life? What does life ask of you? The Passion Journey is an opportunity to ask the big questions, make powerful choices and fall back in love with your life.

Finding true north

The Passion Journey is a series of nine workshops that explore your inner world - brightening your senses and refreshing your perspectives. On the journey you experience your gifts as a treasure, reconnect with your passions and realign with ‘true north’.

The stages of the journey

The journey takes place in three stages that are deeply intuitive. They can be seen in the stories and rituals of people from ancient times to the present day. The first stage offers you the luxury of learning more about yourself as an individual: Who am I, really? The second stage explores your life as a member of community: Who am I in relation to others? And the third stage calls your passion into action: Who am I in service to the world? The Passion Journey is both an ending and a beginning. It gives you the tools to repeat the cycles at will, peeling off the layers of your life and revealing more of the passion that lies at your core.

The journey of a lifetime

The Passion Journey provides a safe haven for exploration and growth. You embark on the journey with a small group of like-minded people and move forward together, sharing discoveries along the way. Environments are carefully chosen to nurture feelings of trust and openness. There is time between workshops for a variety of readings and practices. The entire journey takes place over 3-6 months and when it is complete your community of support will keep you in motion. For the Passion Journey truly is a journey that never ends.


The Passion Journey is suitable for all adults. Related programs are designed for specific audiences:

The Heroine’s Journey™ is an invitation for women (only!) to find and follow their bliss.

True North™ is for teens and young people seeking more purpose and direction in their lives.

The Parents’ Journey™ is for those who want to nurture their children’s passions.


Passion Warm-ups build your fitness for the journey and change the energy in your life.

Flexing Your Passion
This one-hour session teaches you how to release, relax and re-energize from the inside out.

Strengthening Your Passion
This half-day workshop reconnects you to life’s sensory treasures.

Enduring Your Passion
This one-day workshop builds your capacity to live in harmony with your true nature.

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©2008 Nuala Woodham. All rights reserved.

Nuala Woodham

Consultant + Coach + Catalyst


Consulting Storyteller



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